Once we connected the scales to the cloud, limitless possibilities opened up. We achieved a seamless data flow in real time, cutting down the response times to nearly zero and together with real time notification system we provided a cutting edge tool for the most efficient quality control.
In manufacturing, or any other case you are using some material and spending time processing it, both the material and time spent represents a monetary value for your company. If you reduce either one, you make your production more efficient, which means you are directly saving money.
Like time is measured, you have to measure how much material you are using and the most efficient way is to weigh it. Whatever you are producing, you define how much material will be used on a single product, which is also calculated in the price of the product. So if you are using more material per product, you are loosing money and if you use less material, but still in the tolerance levels, you are generating additional profit. This is why accurate measurement is so crucial.
Quality inspections can be performed by operators during the working process, without any special knowledge or tools required, as frequent as needed in order achieve zero error. The system is fully preset, so the only thing left to do for the operator is to input the data.
The weighing is made automatic, when the sample is placed on the scale, Scale Monitor™ automatically records the value along with production data and stores it in the cloud. This way we have also eliminated the chance of manipulation.
Trough dynamic forms, you can create your own inspection form, adjusted to your working process. Since the system is online, you can use any device that supports a web browser(mobile phone, tablet, computer, etc.) to input the data. Here on the right you can see a sample from a plastic bottle producer.
Controllers randomly select samples, that were already inspected by the operators and perform an independent inspection, without knowing the results from the first inspection. When the inspection is completed, the system provides the data from the first inspection for comparison.
When anomalies are detected, it is crucial to inform the responsible personal as soon as possible. They need to act immediately in order to prevent losses. That’s why we integrated a notification system, that sends SMS, e-mail and push notifications at the same time that an error is detected. The message also includes the urgency level and detailed error information, so that immediate action can be taken.

The integration of the system is fast and easy. If you already have the scales, all you need is to connect them to the cloud. For this you need the Cloud Scale Link module. After connecting the scales, you register online with Scale Monitor™ and activate the QC service(Quality Control). And you are ready to go!